π˜šπ˜Šπ˜–β‚‚π˜›α΄Ύα΄Ώα΄Ό + COβ‚‚ geothermal paper

Carbon Solutions has just published a paper describing the most recent updates made to our π˜šπ˜Šπ˜–β‚‚π˜›α΄Ύα΄Ώα΄Ό software – it can now provide site screening for COβ‚‚ Plume Geothermal (CPG) power plants in addition to geologic COβ‚‚ storage! CPG power plants use gigatonne-levels of sequestered COβ‚‚ to generate dispatchable and renewable electricity! #CCS #renewableenergy #energytransition #sitescreening This article was published in the CCUS section of open-access journal Frontiers in Energy Research. It is free to read here: https://doi.org/10.3389/fenrg.2022.855120