CO2 Geothermal Presentation at GHGT-16
Later in October, Carbon Solutions researchers will be giving four presentations at the 16th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference (GHGT-16) in Lyon, France. During the next two weeks, we will be highlighting those upcoming talks. The second presentation will be on the recent developments with our site screening tool, 𝘚𝘊𝘖₂𝘛ᴾᴿᴼ, related to CO2-Geothermal in the talk titled, “Considering the Potential for Sedimentary Basin Geothermal Power Generation When Screening for Prospective Geologic CO2 Storage Sites.”
While sequestering CO2 across the United States and the world is necessary to address climate change, deciding where to inject the CO2 is not trivial. In addition to more well-known and studied considerations for CO2 storage siting (e.g., uncertainty in geology), the location of CO2 may be influenced by the option of using the sequestered CO2 to generate electricity! Our prior published work demonstrates that the locations best suited for CO2 geothermal may be different than the locations that may otherwise be targeted for CO2 storage, thus considering this option during site selection is important.

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