US-China Clean Energy Research Center – Advanced Coal Technology Consortium

Project Overview
The US-China Clean Energy Research Center – Advanced Coal Technology Consortium (CERC – ACTC) advanced technologies needed to safely, effectively, and efficiently utilize coal resources while addressing new challenges associated with clean coal power generation. The US and People’s Republic of China play central roles in the world’s transition to a clean energy economy now and in the years ahead by reducing emissions, shifting to cleaner energy sources, and implementing advanced coal technologies. The CERC – ACTC focused on emerging commercial, field, and development projects in the US and China to achieve rapid progress in advanced coal technology development, demonstration, and enhancement.
Carbon Solutions’ employees played a key role in the ACTC – CERC, leading CO2 capture and storage (CCS) infrastructure decision support and optimization for case studies in both the US and China. The ACTC – CERC played a crucial role in developing the R&D 100 Award-winning 𝘚𝘪𝘮𝘊𝘊𝘚 software and founding Carbon Solutions LLC.
West Virginia University
US Department of Energy