Carbon Management Risk

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Carbon capture and storage is essential to meeting our nation’s energy transition goals. For example, the Princeton Net Zero America study suggests that between 0.9 and 1.7 GtCO2/yr of CO2 injection is required to transition the country to a net-zero emission economy by 2050, which will entail drilling thousands of CO2 injection wells across the country. Like any large infrastructure project, realizing this level of CO2 sequestration will require identifying and quantifying risks so that they can be addressed. Carbon Solutions can provide robust and science-based risk assessments across an entire CCS project (including capture, transport, and storage) or just a single component (e.g., just storage). We provide these services across multiple spatial (site-level to regional) and temporal (years, decades) scales, depending on the specific project and client needs.

For more information about our Life Cycle Assessment Services contact Jonathan Ogland-Hand at